Friday, August 1, 2008


One of my colleagues recently introduced me to Jing Project. This is a free site that is coupled with a downloadable program for Mac or Windows. When you download the program you can use it to record images and video of your desktop to demonstrate software or web applications. You can save those videos or Jing will upload and create url's for you.

Here are some clips I made on how to use some of the google tools. First I talk about the site here.

And Google Groups here.

Google Docs here.

And Blogger here.

Finally, I tried to show how to create a customized iGoogle page with links to all of them here.

There are some limits. Each clip can be no more than five minutes. Still, it seems like a handy little tool.

Oh, even though she didn't want to name her, I want to give credit to my voice actress, Emily. She's one of my students who saved me the embarrassment of having to listen to my own voice on these clips.


David Portnoy said...


I have tried jing but I prefer another service which I have helped develop - go to and you will see for yourself which is better.

Della said...

Hey Richard!I totally love the way you used both the Jing Project and Lulu. Thank you so much for sharing. I think Emily did a good job.  However, I think it would have worked just fine with your voice. I hope that your voice is not hoarse like mine.  I always lose my voice every time I return to school!!! Have a fabulous 08-09 school year : )