Saturday, April 12, 2008

How to Integrate Technology into the Summer Institute

Techies are working on integrating technology in a fun and user friendly way. Right now we are currently working on a Googlesite for all the writing projects in the state of Texas! We believe that we should move into a collaborative group. Other techies will soon update this blog with ideas for integrating technology!

Check back soon!


Alicia S. said...

I think the blog looks great! Thanks for setting this up Colleen.

Lennie said...

I had a question that I wanted to ask you all for your opinion on. The last few summers I have urged participants in the Summer Institute ("Fellows")to participate in the E-Anthology. We showed them the site, got them signed up early, and even did a guestbook post. I believe we did this on about day 3 last summer. We didn't mandate participation, but we urged Fellows to post at least one of their pieces into the E-Anthology.

Well, as in years past, not too many TCs post to the E-Anthology. I wonder why???? (only five posted)

The commentator from NWP on our reapplication grant suggested that we sign up people to the E-Anthology later in the Institute. He or she thought that perhaps Fellows got spooked from posting in the E-anthology because it seems a bit overwhelming. They suggested that we have Fellows post their pieces on a day when we have writing pieces due. What do you all think? How have you handled participation in the E-Anthology.

I think the E-Anthology is one of the best ways to integrate technology into the institute and present a setting where they can learn as they experience using the technology.


Lennie (San Antonio Writing Project)

Janelle said...

One of the reasons Bluebonnet was able to really use technology was because we scheduled it into our syllabus. We had Tech Tuesdays. We were fortunate enough to be good buddies with our Center for Distance Ed. so they came in and helped teach/review the apps.

The benefit of this is with a helper/instructor like this, TCs and your TL can help those who either need extra help or are ready for the next stage.

I also find that if you schedule in time to play around with e-anthology, participants are able to really see what it's like. They end up checking daily.

This is how I see it. As educators, we do not have a choice on whether or not our students need to be preapred with 21st century literacies so why not try to approch the inevitable at our institutes?

It's all about knowing what is expected.

Thanks for listening,

Colleen said...

I know during my institute I was really excited to post and get feedback... so I posted... and I waited... and I waited... and I didn't get very good feedback, nor very much! I think people like to read the work from their institute because they know the people, and it seems that people aren't as interested in responding to people they've never seen. So, how do we fix this? Maybe the quality of the work and the quantity. Instituting a Tech Tuesday is an excellent idea. I'm also planning on an extra techie lesson on Fridays (Usually our play days) for past participants to come and learn to use our wikis, meet new fellows, and help anyone else who needs extra help!